Le département cri de la Justice et des Services correctionnels offre une gamme de programmes et de services pour soutenir les membres de nos neuf communautés cries. La présente section fournit des renseignements et des ressources liés à plusieurs des programmes auxquels nous participons, notamment dans les domaines de la prévention du crime, de la gestion des conflits chez les jeunes, de la réinsertion des contrevenants, de l’aide aux victimes, de la violence domestique et de l’engagement des jeunes.
CAVAC Testifying (3/4) - Interrogation & Cross Examination
CAVAC Testifying (1/4) - CAVAC Services
Presentation of SNAP Program (Cree Speaking)
What is Youth Enrichement Services? (Cree Speaking)
Making a Difference (Cree Speaking)
Alvin Cash's interview (2/3) - Why did you decide to become a Cree CAVAC Officer?
Alvin Cash's interview (1/3) - How are department services tailored to the needs of the Cree Nation? (Cree Speaking)
Lois Blackned - C.R.E.E. Program (Cree Speaking)
CAVAC Testifying (4/4) - After Your Testimony
Lois Blackned - C.R.E.E. Program
CAVAC Testifying (2/4) - Your Testimony
Alvin Cash's interview (3/3) - How did people react to Cree CAVAC services when you first started? (Cree Speaking)
Lois Blackned - C.R.E.E. Program
Cree Officer (Cree Speaking)
What is Youth Enrichment Services?
Lois Blackned - C.R.E.E. Program (Cree Speaking)
Elder Abuse Victims (Cree Speaking)
CAVAC Services (Cree Speaking)
Presentation of SNAP Program